Boards Ν' Wheels...
...Σανίδες και Ρόδες

A world of serious sports, full of "toys". Totally different fabrications, either naively simple, or troublingly complicated, destined for extreme applications in diametrically opposite conditions. Nevertheless, they lend each other techniques, they share attitudes, they exchange ideals and finally, reproduce common culture.

  • - boardsNwheels - - boardsNwheels -
  • - 8bft gossip - - 8bft gossip -
  • - clicks of Hope - - clicks of Hope -
  • - epic romantic - - epic romantic -
  • - going down - - going down -
  • - beach life - - beach life -
  • - rock vs metal - - rock vs metal -
  • - sky jibbing - - sky jibbing -
  • - three worlds - - three worlds -
  • - silent laps - - silent laps -
  • - radioactive fun - - radioactive fun -
  • - the end - - the end -

Do they devour youngsters too stubborn to mature? Do they absorb oldsters who suddenly rejuvenated? Indeed, as Tom Robins's Woodpecker so accurately points out, "it is never too late to live a happy childhood..."

windsurf boards ιστιοσανίδες

In a world where style reserves its freedom.
In a microcosm, actualy large...

I will probably take my time to translate the whole website in English,
and for that I apologize. Even when this happens, it will probably sound kind of weird,
since my english is far from fluent. As of today though, the bold side menu bar
buttons will actually link you to an english language web page,
while normal ones will just throw you back to the Greek side. > English version > Home